Cembre S.p.A.

Cembre S.p.A.

Cembre S.p.A. company rates as one of the largest makers in Europe of electrical connectors, such as rail-bonding contacts and terminal blocks (devices that distribute power and protect circuits from overloads) for low, medium, and high-voltage applications. The company also makes custom assemblies and installation tools, as well as crimping and cutting tools, drills, and drilling machines. Cembre operates subsidiaries in France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, the UK, and the US. Cembre has R&D operations at its Italian plant for developing new products for industrial and civil applications.

Contact Details

Office Address

Cembre S.p.A.
Via Serenissima, 9, Brescia , Italy 25135
Phone: +39-030-36921
Fax: +39-030-336-5766


Chairman and CEO

Carlo Rosani

Business Reviews for Cembre S.p.A.

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