Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.

Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) is all about is the company, with offices in the US and UK, uses a proprietary system called PowerBouy to generate electricity using the mechanical energy produced when offshore waves move the anchored buoys up and down. OPT offers a buoy system that connects to power grids as well as an autonomous one that can be used in remote locations and for tsunami monitoring, oceanographic data collection, and offshore aquaculture. Customers include the US Navy, Spanish power producer Iberdrola, and Spanish energy firm TOTAL. It has a contract with Lockheed Martin to build a large power generation system off the west coast of the US.

Contact Details

Office Address

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.
1590 Reed Rd.
Pennington, NJ, USA 08534
Phone: (609) 730-0400
Fax: (609) 730-0400



George W. Taylor


Charles F. Dunleavy


Brian M. Posner

Business Reviews for Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.

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