Amlin plc Company

Amlin plc Company

Amlin plays guardian over consumer and commercial property interests in the UK and abroad. The company underwrites a range of insurance and reinsurance coverage through its Syndicate 2001 division, which underwrites policies traded on the Lloyd's of London exchange. It also provides underwriting through its Amlin Bermuda and Amlin Corporate Insurance units. Traditional insurance lines include commercial marine, aviation, and property/casualty insurance. Most of Amlin's reinsurance (insuring other insurers) business falls in the area of catastrophe coverage. While Amlin does business around the world, mostly through independent brokers, its primary markets are Continental Europe, Bermuda, the UK, the US.

Contact Details

Office Address

Amlin plc Company
St. Helen’s, 1 Undershaft
London, UK EC3A8ND
Phone: +44-20-7746-1000
Fax: +44-20-7746-1696



Roger J. Taylor

Chief Executive and Director

Charles E. L. Philipps

Business Reviews for Amlin plc Company

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