Surat Special Economic Zone

The location of SURSEZ in Surat city with respect to communication and logistics is highly favourable. It is next to Sachin railway station and is within 25 minutes by road to the National Highway, Magdella seaport and Surat airport. Mumbai is just 3? hours journey by train. Telecommunication system is good.
Contact Details
Corparate Adress
Surat Special Economic Zone
141, Atlanta, 14th Floor Nariman Point,
Nariman Point
Mumbai, MH 400021.
Phone: +91-22-22851430,22851457.
Fax: +91-22-22875467,22828422.
Zonal office
Surat Special Economic Zone
Surat Special Economic Zone,
Surat-, GJ 394230.
Phone: +91-261-2397656/ 7/ 8.
Fax: +91-261-2397664.