

The exceptional journey of the Wallque began when Mr. Sandeep Singh, the man behind Wallque, understood the gap that existed between what people needed and what was available in the market. Stay with us to know our Wallque Story. It simply began with a mobile scrolling, when Mr. Sandeep simply wished to free up his mobile space. He thought to get his best pictures framed. He went to the market to get his pictures printed and received those pictures in a week and then he went to buy the frame but he did not find the frame with the similar size of the pictures. So he had to get his pictures printed with the size of the frame that was available. It again took him a few more days to get the perfect picture frame.

Contact Details

Branch Office

D-61, Shivalik Nagar B.H.E.L
Haridwar, UP 249403
Phone: +91-8865003305

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