Seven more cases of coronavirus in Telangana, none of them Indian

Seven more cases of coronavirus in Telangana, none of them Indian

The number of positive cases of coronavirus in Telangana rose to 13 after seven Indonesian nationals who were on a pilgrimage tested positive for the virus.

According to the official information, all of them were part of a pilgrimage group and were put into isolation on March 16. They were confirmed to have the virus on Wednesday.

The total number of cases in the state is 13, which includes one person who was cured.

Of the rest 12 active cases, nine are nationals of foreign countries.

Earlier on Wednesday, Telangana reported one more confirmed case after a 21-year-old youth, who arrived from Scotland, was found positive for the virus. The state reported eight cases in a single day.

Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao convened a high-level meeting on Wednesday to discuss the state's preparedness to tackle the virus. A meeting is also scheduled to be held on Thursday (March 19) to discuss the measures to be taken to prevent further spread of the virus.

The state government has already ordered the closure of schools, colleges, cinema halls, bars, pubs, among other measures.