HDFC expects more sops from RBI for bank merger

HDFC expects more sops from RBI for bank merger

RBI is keen that all large financial institutions lend themselves to greater regulation by turning into a bank as, globally, non-bank players in finance are seen to be engaged in shadow banking.

The last of non-government financial institutions is HDFC, the largest housing finance company. But unlike other institutions that received a bank licence — ICICI, IDBI and now IDFC — HDFC is neither constrained for resources nor for growth opportunities.

To make a merger more attractive, RBI had offered HDFC a sop by recognizing home loans on a par with infrastructure lending, which allows it to raise funds without reserve requirements.

Since this only addresses half the problem, the HDFC group is now looking for a special dispensation in line with what was offered to IDBI, to allow it a longer time frame to meet reserve requirements.