Entomo Inc

Entomo Inc

Companies that sell through distribution channels depend on complex relationships with their channel partners to achieve their revenue goals. However, most companies lack the data, systems and in-house expertise that they need to manage these channels efficiently. As a consequence they struggle to realize the revenue potential that these channels represent.

Sometimes, point-of-sales (POS), inventory, claims and other related data from the channel is inaccurate and received late. In other cases, related business processes in sales-operations, finance, audit and compliance, and marketing are manual and based on spreadsheets and point applications developed in-house. Yet other times, in-house staff may not have sufficient training, or the time to build up required expertise.

Contact Details

Office Address

Entomo Inc
10940 NE 33rd Place, Ste. 206
Bellevue, WA, USA 98004
Phone: +1-425-467-0433
Fax: +1-425-467-0441


CEO and Director

Sanjoy Chatterji


Sherry Shaffer

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