Societe Generale

Societe Generale

Societe Generale wants to be top brass in the French banking industry. The bank (familiarly known as SocGen) commands a three-pronged campaign, with operations in global investment management (including SG Private Banking and majority-owned online brokerage Boursorama); retail banking and specialized financial services, including finance, leasing, and insurance; and corporate and investment banking, focusing on European capital markets, derivatives, and structured finance. In the US, the company controls asset manager The TCW Group. SocGen has about 3,000 branches in France (including its Credit du Nord division), and some 5,300 locations worldwide.

Contact Details

Office Address

Societe Generale
29 Boulevard Haussmann
Paris, France 75009
Phone: +33-1-42-14-20-00


Group CFO

Didier Valet

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