Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A.

Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A.

Criteria CaixaCorp is an investment group with holdings in financial and industrial companies. The company's core shareholder is "la Caixa"; it has been listed on the continuous market of the Spanish stock exchange since October 2007. Criteria has a firm commitment to international growth, active management of its portfolio within a framework of controlled risk, and boosting the growth, development and returns of the companies it invests in.The company is now a consolidated business reality and has set its sights on becoming a European benchmark for investment and development in companies which are leaders in their respective markets with proven capacity to create value and recurrent profitability. Criteria has a significant knowledge of the sectors in which it operates, a proven track record that affords a privileged position as an investment company, and experienced management teams. This is a goal towards which Criteria works day in day out and for which it is constantly identifying, analysing, studying and assessing new business and investment opportunities.

Contact Details

Office Address

Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A.
Avda. Diagonal, 621-629, Torre II, Planta 8 ª.
Barcelona, Spain 08028
Phone: +34-93-409-2121



Isidre Fainé Casas

Deputy Chairman

Juan Mª Nin Génova

Managing Director, Business and Operations

Josep Martinez Vila

Business Reviews for Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A.

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