A. J. Kidwai Mass Communication Research Centre

The AJK MCRC is widely acknowledged as the premier mass communication institute of its kind in India. Set up in the 1980's with support through a collaboration with York university in Toronto, the raison d' etre of AJK MCRC was not to churn out technicians by the dozen but to train people in media with a sense of social responsibility and expertise. Over the years, its students have carved a niche for themselves in fields as diverse as Photography, electronic journalism, radio, theatre, television and film. Some have become accomplished independent producers and directors.
Contact Details
Office Address
A. J. Kidwai Mass Communication Research Centre
Maulana Mohammed Ali Jauhar Marg
New Delhi, DH 110025
Phone: +91-11-26987285, 26986812, 26986813
Fax: +91-11-26986811