Here, we deliver the finest quality of footwear for your dynamic lifestyle. For we do what no one can do, we are always at the cutting edge. Being true to our name ‘Ivrah’ meaning ‘a natural genius and a good provider’; we make it a point to come up with a royal legacy of shoes. IVRAH aims to capture the revamping fashion statement of men in shoes that makes every man feel fab. Our team works at its best to justify the statement, “Life is too short to wear boring shoes, so buy the IVRAH shoe.” With our focus on luxury, our shoes are handstiched to perfection. We believe that shoes are the finishing touch of any outfit and therefore our shoes comprise of style, comfort and craftsmanship. Our shoes are made from genuine, exclusive and rare leather.

Contact Details


E-109, UPSIDC, Site C
Agra, UP 282007
Mobile: +91-8979300111

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