Ar Trans India Logistic

For over 16 year AR TRANS INDIA LOGISTIC has provided a vital link for Indian businesses requiring transportation of consignments within India. Our company was established in 2000 and has ever since been a leading logistics service provider. We have built a reputation of reliability in transportation of goods and parcels locally and nationally due to our professional approach, competitive pricing and large network. we provide our clients flexible, responsive and affordable services that they deserve. We use our deep operating knowledge to offer extraordinary solutions as unique as our client’s needs. To help our customers with cost-effective solutions, we offer a wide range of trucks on lease. Hiring trucks on lease saves the company of capital expenses. We also provide logistics consulting to corporates to complement our logistics management.
Contact Details
Contact Us
Ar Trans India Logistic
First Floor, SCO No.1
Sector-10 A
Gurgaon, HY 120001
Mobile: +91-9873732581