Anti-CAA protests: Prohibitory notices issued to 4,000 people in Aligarh

Anti-CAA protests: Prohibitory notices issued to 4,000 people in Aligarh

The police in Aligarh has issued prohibitory notices to 4,000 people, restricting their movement and warning them of action if there was any trouble in the Uttar Pradesh town on Friday.

The police have issued notices to 200 people with a criminal background under Section 110 (G) of the CrPc and initiated process of the Goonda Act against 50 persons.

Besides, around 100 arms license holders, who are residents of Shahjamal, Jamalpur and Jeevangarh areas, where protests are going on, have been issued warning notices, threatening cancellations of their licenses, if they were seen at the protest sites.

Aligarh SSP, Muniraj G, said that 'red notices' had been issued to 2,000 anti-social elements, informing them about restrictions on their movement and 2,000 others were issued notices under section 107/116 of the CrPC asking them to sign bonds wherein they would undertake not to breach peace.

He said the police was on high alert and patrolling on highways has been intensified in view of the violence in the national capital.

"Additional police force -- nine companies of PAC and four companies of RAF -- along with three additional SPs, eight deputy SPs and eight station house officers (SHO) of neighbouring districts have already been deployed in Aligarh as a precautionary measure," the SSP added.

He further said that non-lethal weapons including anti-riot guns, tear gas guns and tear gas grenades, have been distributed at the police stations falling in the sensitive areas.

Police have identified eight spots in the town which fall in sensitive areas and organised meetings with local leaders to maintain peace.

Internet services that had been suspended in Aligarh following violent clashes between anti-CAA protesters and the police on Sunday, remain suspended.