IN-FUSIO is a leading international mobile entertainment company, publishing top-tier games for cell phones.

Focusing on quality, innovation and community, IN-FUSIO applications are enjoyed by over 19 million users worldwide, through more than 250 carriers, manufacturers, wap portals, and off-deck distributors across all handset platforms. Since 2004, In-Fusio has released over 140 games in 70 countries. The company provides carriers, developers and brand owners with the best opportunity to maximize the value of their offerings with the largest mobile distribution network.

Contact Details

Office Address

Le Millinium
12 quai de Queyries
Cedex, Bordeaux, FRANCE 33072
Phone: (33) 5-57-77-38-00
Fax: (33) 5-56-40-05-48


Founder and CEO

Gilles Raymond


Frank Keeling

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