4 Star Electronics, Inc.

4 Star Electronics, Inc.

4 Star Electronics is the industry leading supplier of obsolete electronic components. Since our inception in 2001, we have been recognized as one of the fastest growing electronic component distributors in the industry by Dunn & Bradstreet 4 years in a row. We have been able to meet market demand by utilizing our in-stock inventory and global network of suppliers to reduce procurement cycles, lower transaction costs and provide quality electronic components at competitive prices. We have quickly become the go to company when our customers are unable to fulfill their requirements through the normal franchise channels. We understand that our customers need more than a supplier; they need a strategic partner in their supply chain, so we strive to be that and more.

4 Star Electronics, Inc. have many certifications and registrations. 4 Star Electronics, Inc. currently are ISO 9001:2000 certified, ANSI/ESD-S20.20 certified, ORCA certified, CCR registered, an active GIDEP member and adhere to all government and military industry quality standards. Our registered Cage Code# 3DSR9 has been in good standing for over 6 years, this Cage Code identifies us as an approved government contractor recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Transportation, NASA among other federal government agencies as an ISO 9001:2000 certified distributor of obsolete electronic components. These certifications and registrations are only a small part of the foundation that our company has been built on. Our management team is comprised of industry veterans, with 20-30 years experience in the distribution of electronic components. Rest assured that when you work with 4 Star Electronics, you’re working with the industry elite. Give us a call when you are unable to acquire the obsolete electronic components you need through your normal franchise channels and we will meet or exceed your expectations!

Contact Details

Office Address

4 Star Electronics, Inc.
930 Calle Negocio
Suite C
San Clemente, CA, USA 92673
Phone: +1-(949)-240-8500
Fax: +1-(949)-240-8503


CEO and Excess Inventory Manager

Duane Wilson

Director IT

Steve Davis

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