Lucidity Consulting Group, LP

Lucidity Consulting Group, LP

Lucidity Consulting Group, LP specializes in helping businesses with the automation and management of their supply chains and financial processes. Other areas of specialty include project management, human capital management, software selection, and financial analytics benchmarking. Lucidity also customizes and installs business software from developers such as Oracle. Clients come from such fields as financial services, health care, and manufacturing. Lucidity was founded in 2000 by a group that includes managing partner Bret Hatfield and CFO Darl Hatfield.

Contact Details

Office Address

Lucidity Consulting Group, LP
1300 E. Lookout Drive, Suite 225
Richardson, Texas, USA 75082
Phone: +1-214-451-2500
Fax: +1-972-608-4901


CEO, COO, and Consultant

James Martin

Partner, Finance and Consultant

Bret Hatfield

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