Fleury Michon

Fleury Michon

Fleury Michon provides a full menu. The company offers processed meats, ready-made meals, and other convenience food products for the supermarket and the foodservice sectors. In addition to hams, poultry, roasts, and charcuterie (deli meats), it also makes surimi (imitation crab). Fleury operates the Graine d'App�tit chain of restaurants and vending kiosks. France accounts for most of the company's sales but it also sells ready-meals in Canada, Italy, Spain, and the US. Star chef and company culinary advisor, Jo�l Robuchon, develops many Fleury Michon recipes. While publicly traded since 2000, the majority of Fleury Michon stock is held by chairman Yves Gonnord.

Contact Details

Office Address

Fleury Michon
Route de la Gare
Pouzauges, FRANCE 85700
Phone: +33-2-51-66-32-32
Fax: +33-2-51-65-82-33



Gragoire Gonnord


Jean-Louis Roy

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