Elekeiroz S.A

Elekeiroz S.A

Elekeiroz's customers are hooked on toxic substances. The company's annual output of 468,000 tons of chemicals is divided evenly between organic and inorganic products. The organic chemicals it produces include alcohol-based solvents, formaldehyde, and sulfur; its inorganic chemicals include components for drying agents and dyes, additives for pesticides, and plasticizers used in the manufacture of PVC and other plastics.

Contact Details

Office Address

Elekeiroz S.A
Rua Dr. Edgardo de Azevedo Soares, 392
Várzea Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil 13224-030
Phone: +55-11-4596-8800
Fax: +55-11-4596-8856


Chairman and President

Paulo Setubal Neto

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