Orpea SA

Orpea SA

Orpea owns and operates facilities scattered all over the country. Chairman and CEO Jean-Claude Marian owns a little over a third of Orpea. No, you're not having a senior moment. Orpea -- not Opera -- is one of France's leading providers of long-term care to the elderly or infirm. Orpea started out running facilities that included retirement homes and assisted-living residences, which are still operated under the Orpea name, but it has branched out to also provide care in physical therapy and psychiatric clinics, which operate through the company's Clinea subsidiary.

Contact Details

Office Address

Orpea SA
1-3, rue Bellini
Puteaux, FRANCE CEDEX-92806
Phone: +33-1-47-75-78-07
Fax: +33-1-47-75-78-00


Chairman and CEO

Jean-Claude Marian


Jean-Claude Brdenk

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