China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited

China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited

China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited has brought competition to the world's largest telecommunications market. The Chinese government set up China Unicom in 1994 as the first competitor to another government-owned telecommunications monopoly. The state-controlled company provides long- distance, broadband data, and mobile communications services in 31 provinces, cities, and other regions throughout China. It is the country's #2 mobile phone operator behind former monopoly China Mobile Communications. Subsidiary China Netcom is China's #2 provider of fixed-line communications carrier behind China Telecom. It operates primarily in the northern provinces; major cities served include Beijing and Tianjin.

Contact Details

Office Address

China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited
75th Fl., The Center, 99 Queen's Rd. Central, Hong Kong
Phone: +852-2126-2018
Fax: +852-2126-2016


Chairman and CEO

Chang Xiaobing

President and Director

Lu Yimin

Business Reviews for China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited

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