Vodafone Group Plc

Vodafone Group Plc

Customers have voted with their phones to make Vodafone Group one of the world's top wireless phone services carriers with about 300 million customers in more than 20 countries. In terms of subscribers, Vodafone trails only China Mobile. The company does most of its business in Europe, where it is a leader in the wireless markets of the UK and Germany. It also provides data, broadband Internet, and fixed-line phone services; in Germany, these services are overseen by subsidiary Arcor. Vodafone increasingly serves callers in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific region through subsidiaries and joint ventures. In the US, the group holds a 45% stake in the leading US wireless provider Verizon Wireless.

Contact Details

Office Address

Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone House The Connection Newbury
Berkshire, UK RG142FN
Phone: +44-1635-33-251
Fax: +44-1635-45-713



Sir John R. H. Bond


Vittorio A. Colao

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