Interstate Resources, Inc.

Interstate Resources, Inc.

Interstate Resources is not a fancy name for the latest US Highway Bill, but a paperboard and packaging products manufacturer. The company's offerings include linerboard, kraft paper (for bags), and corrugated medium board and packaging for consumer products and displays. It also produces timber and wood chips and burns the waste to fuel its plants; its sells the excess to the local power grid. Interstate Resources has about a dozen plants along the east coast. The company's products are sold in the northeastern, midwestern, and southeastern US and in Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Europe. Lebanese industrial manufacturer Indevco owns Interstate Resources.

Contact Details

Office Address

Interstate Resources, Inc.
1800 N. Kent St., Ste. 1200
Arlington, VA, USA 22209-2145
Phone: (703) 243-3355
Fax: (703) 243-4681


Chairman and CEO

Antoine N. (Tony) Frem

President and COO

Jim Morgan

Business Reviews for Interstate Resources, Inc.

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