AGT Crunch Acquisition LLC

AGT Crunch Acquisition LLC

Agt Crunch Acquisition LLC is a private company categorized under Physical Fitness Facilities and located in New York, NY. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 63,200,000 and employs a staff of approximately 2,000.

AGT Crunch Acquisition -- operator of the Crunch Fitness chain -- helps city folk stay in shape. The company operates about 30 physical fitness facilities in urban locations throughout the US. Crunch offers trendy workouts such as Cardio Go Go, Pole Dancing, and Hot Pilates. It also offers personal training sessions to its members. The company sells a variety of fitness-related products including apparel, exercise videos, books, and music-compilation CDs. With its base in New York City, Crunch has locations in cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Atlanta, and San Francisco. AGT Crunch Acquisition filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2009.

Contact Details

Office Address

AGT Crunch Acquisition LLC
22 W. 19th St., Fl. 4
New York, NY, USA 10011
Phone: (212) 993-0300
Fax: (212) 367-0960



Marc Tascher


Tim Miller

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