Oxford Instruments plc

Oxford Instruments plc

The company operates through two units that develop analytical instruments and superconducting materials. Its analytical products include spectroscopes and X-ray fluorescence devices, which customers use for chemical analysis and for deposition and etching processes during semiconductor, telecommunications, and optoelectronics manufacturing.

The company also supplies superconducting materials and related equipment for chemical and biochemical analysis and scientific research. Oxford Instruments gets more than 60% of its sales outside of Europe. The company pursues strategic acquisitions to bolster its product portfolio.

Contact Details

Office Address

Oxford Instruments plc
Tubney Woods
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK OX13 5QX
Phone: +44-1865-393-200
Fax: +44-1865-393-333



Nigel J. Keen

Chief Executive and Board Member

Jonathan Flint

Business Reviews for Oxford Instruments plc

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