Siemens on Wednesday said it has commissioned the world’s-largest power grid stabilisation technology solution for State-run utility Power Grid Corporation of India at Rourkela in Odisha.
“Siemens has commissioned 400 kV Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) solutions at Power Grid Corporation’s substation in Rourkela, Odisha.
The state-of-the-art STATCOM solution provides optimal grid stabilisation technology,” a Siemens statement said.
Siemens manufactured the basic equipment for the technology solution at its plant in Goa and commissioned the project in 22 months, the firm said in a statement.
The STATCOM solution at Rourkela is regulating the transmission variations automatically according to the grid conditions, thus leading to availability of reliable and stable power to the consumers in the associated network.
The 400 kV-STATCOM has a swing range of 600MVAr and 250MVAr mechanically switched components. With fast response time of STATCOM controls, power consumers will be benefitted in the form of constant voltage and frequency leading to availability of uninterrupted quality power.
“We are delighted that the STATCOM at Rourkela substation has been commissioned ahead of schedule. This will lead to improved stability and higher availability of Eastern Region Grid,” said I S Jha, chairman and MD of Power Grid.