Entrepose Contracting

Entrepose Contracting

Entrepose Contracting has a lot in the pipeline. The company specializes in engineering, building, and selling pipelines and storage tanks for liquids and gases. Entrepose and its subsidiaries also offer commissioning, maintenance, and repairs of pipelines and other oil and gas facilities. Core markets include Africa and Europe. However, it also works in the US, Middle East, and Australasia. Entrepose has made several key acquisitions in recent years in order to reach new geographic markets and expand services. In 2010 it bought pipeline laying company Horizontal Drilling International. Entrepose, which is owned by VINCI, traces its roots to 1935.

Contact Details

Office Address

Entrepose Contracting
165 boulevard de Valmy, Colombres Cedex, USA 92700
Phone: +33-1-57-60-93-00
Fax: +33-1-57-60-93-01


Chairman and CEO

Dominique Bouvier


Philippe C. Barril

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