Moorefield Construction, Inc.

Moorefield Construction, Inc.

Moorefield Construction, Inc.,the company provides general contracting services for retail projects throughout Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Clients have included Lowe's, Best Buy, and Walgreen. The company operates from offices in Santa Ana and Sacramento. Moorefield Construction was founded in 1957 by the late Harold Moorefield, and continues to be owned and operated by his family, including his wife Ann (CEO) and their sons, Mike (president), Larry (vice president), and Hal (vice president).

Contact Details

Office Address

Moorefield Construction, Inc.
600 North Tustin Ave. Suite 210
Santa Ana, CA, USA 92705
Phone: (714) 972-0700
Fax: (714) 972-3030


Chairman and CEO

Ann Moorefield


Mike Moorefield

Business Reviews for Moorefield Construction, Inc.

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