ImageTrend, Inc.

ImageTrend, Inc.

ImageTrend hopes that the trend in your enterprise is towards increased efficiency. The company provides software development services and Web-based software used to address tasks such as content and document management, e-commerce development, database design, and back-office integration. ImageTrend, founded in 1998, also provides services including consulting, support, and training. The company's clients come from fields such as manufacturing, health care, financial services, and education and have included Russell Athletic, Goodyear Tire, HealthEast Care System, the University of Minnesota, Cargill, and FirstComp Insurance.

Contact Details

Office Address

ImageTrend, Inc.
20855 Kensington Blvd.
Lakeville, MN, USA 55044
Phone: +1-952-469-1589
Fax: +1-952-985-5671



Michael J. (Mike) McBrady

Director, Operations

Valerie (Val) McBrady

Business Reviews for ImageTrend, Inc.

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