Meridian Medical Technologies

Meridian Medical Technologies

Meridian Medical Technologies (MMT) wards off attacks of allergies and nerve gas alike. The company develops and manufactures auto-injectors designed to provide emergency drug delivery. As a primary supplier to the US and allied governments and law enforcement agencies, MMT provides auto-injectors filled with antidotes to chemical nerve agents and insecticide poisoning, as well as anti-convulsant and pain medications, which are typically used by emergency responders. Its brands include AtroPen and DuoDote. The product best-known to civilians is the EpiPen auto-injector, which is filled with epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction). The company is a subsidiary of King Pharmaceuticals.

Contact Details

Office Address

Meridian Medical Technologies
6350 Steven Forest Rd.
Columbia, MD, USA 21046
Phone: (443) 259-7800
Mobile: (443) 259-7801

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