NV Bekaert SA

NV Bekaert SA

Bekaert beckons you with engineered wire products and specialized coating materials. Its founder, Leo Leander Bekaert, started Bekaert company in 1880 to make barbed wire for farmers. Today Bekaert's offerings include a wide range of industrial items made from wire rod, other metal fibers, and specialized glass fibers. One of its top products is steel cord used to reinforce automotive tires. It also makes wire fencing material, steel fibers for concrete reinforcement, offshore drilling anchor cables, communication cables, window film, and engine coatings. Bekaert company serves customers in some 120 countries; its Bekaert Corporation subsidiary carries out its operations in North America.

Contact Details

Office Address

NV Bekaert SA
President Kennedypark 18
Kortrijk, Belgium B-8500
Phone: +32-56-23-05-11
Fax: +32-56-23-05-43



Baron Paul Buysse

CEO and Director

Bert De Graeve

Business Reviews for NV Bekaert SA

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