Global Steel Wire S.A.

Global Steel Wire S.A.

Global Steel Wire, S.A. is the Celsa Group company engaged in manufacturing wire rod in an extensive range of steels and dimensions, which have been progressively expanded in order to be increasingly present in higher technology sectors.We are present in all sectors where products based on wire rod are manufactured, with increasing presence in the automotive industry and other industries with similar requirements.With the leading objective of satisfying our customers, we have continuously made considerable investments to keep our facilities and processes in line with the latest technological developments.Likewise, our Total Quality Management system (T.Q.M.) allows us to focus the entire organisation towards our customers in order to give them the quality and service they require at all times.

Contact Details

Office Address

Global Steel Wire S.A.
Lugar de Nueva Montana, s/n
Santander, Cantabria, Spain 39011
Phone: +34-942-200-200
Fax: +34-942-200-252


Director General

Juan C. Gil Agudo

General Sales Director

Ricardo Hugas

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