Balli Group plc

Balli Group plc

From pig iron to animal feed, Balli Group trades a little bit of everything. Through subsidiaries Balli Steel and Balli Trading, the group trades and distributes steel as well as aluminum, chemicals, office products, agricultural goods, and other commodities. Flat-rolled steel makes up about half of total steel sales. Chemicals and aluminum account for the majority of the company's non-steel trading business. Established in 1991, the trading house has grown through the acquisitions such as Klockner Steel Trade (2000), Comvex (2002), and RXI (2003). Comvex is a bulk handling terminal in the Black Sea. Balli also operates alumina refineries and aluminum rolling mills.

Contact Details

Office Address

Balli Group plc
5 Stanhope Gate
London, UK W1K1AH
Phone: +44-207-306-2000
Fax: +44-207-491-9000



Vahid Alaghband

Joint CEO, Non-Steel Operations

Hossein Adle

Joint CEO

Nasser Alaghband

Business Reviews for Balli Group plc

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