Young & Co.'s Brewery, P.L.C

Young & Co.'s Brewery, P.L.C

Young and Co.'s Brewery, P.L.C. is a public limited company that began life in 1890.Its principal activities comprise the management and operation of its pub estate (including its hotel division) and the selling of food and drink through it. As at 29 March 2010, it had 121 managed pubs and 99 tenanted ones, principally located in London and the South East. It also has a 40% shareholding and interest in a brewing and distribution joint venture, Wells & Young's Brewing Company Limited.

Its shares are admitted to trading on AIM and you should click on the "Companies Act and AIM Rule compliance" page in the investors section of for the information about Young's that is required to be mentioned or disclosed under the Companies Act 2006 and the AIM Rules.

Business Reviews for Young & Co.'s Brewery, P.L.C

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