All India Biotech Association

All India Biotech Association (AIBA) was established in 1994 as a non-profit Society to provide common Apex forum at the national level to represent the interests of all those engaged in various aspects of Biotechnology.One of the main objectives of AIBA is to promote and safeguard the overall interests of Biotechnology as a science, profession, industry or trade.In August, 1999, the Southern Chapter of AIBA has started functioning at Hyderabad.
Contact Details
Head Office
All India Biotech Association
"vipps Center" 2. Local Shopping Centre Block Efgh,masjid Moth
Greater Kailash-II
New Delhi, DH 110048
Phone: +91-11-29211487
Fax: +91-11-29223089, 29229166
Contact Us
All India Biotech Association
H-1, Sector-14
Panjab University Campus
Chandigarh, CG 160014
Phone: +91-172-2541945, 2541428
Fax: +91-172-2541022
Contact Us
All India Biotech Association
401, Lakshmi Niwas, Greenlands
Hyderabad, AP 500016
Phone: +91-40-23415667, 23415668
Fax: +91-40-23415669