Republic Engineered Products, Inc.

Republic Engineered Products, Inc.

Republic is North America's leading supplier of Special Bar Quality (SBQ) steel, a highly engineered product used in axles, drive shafts, suspension rods and other critical components of automobiles, off-highway vehicles and industrial equipment. With headquarters in Canton, Ohio, we operate steelmaking centers in Canton and Lorain, Ohio, and value-added rolling and finishing facilities in Canton, Lorain and Massillon, Ohio; Lackawanna, N.Y.; Gary, Ind.; and Hamilton, Ontario. We employ more than 2,300 people.

Republic Engineered Products, Inc. was established in December 2003 with the purchase of operating assets from Republic Engineered Products, LLC. The company was acquired in July 2005 by Industrias CH, S.A. de C.V. (ICH), a rapidly growing steel producer and processor based in Mexico City. Republic is a subsidiary of Grupo Simec, Guadalajara, Mexico, of which ICH is the majority owner.Republic traces its roots to the 1886 establishment of Berger Manufacturing Co. in Canton, Ohio, which was later part of the original Republic Steel Corp. The Republic name has been part of America's steelmaking heritage for most of the past century.

Contact Details

Office Address

Republic Engineered Products, Inc.
2633 Eighth Street
Canton, OH, USA 44704-2311
Phone: (330) 438-5336
Fax: (330) 438-5814


President and CEO

Jaime Vigil

VP Operations

Noel J. Huettich

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