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Chemicals >  Dyes & Pigments > Kiran International
Kiran International
Manufacturers & Exporters of direct dyes, acid dyes & reactive dyes etc.

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Office Address: A/41, Aashna 2, Judges Bunglow Road, Opp.Presitge Tower,
Ahmedabad, GJ, 380054
Contact Person: Phone: +91-79-32905600
kmaexports.jpgKMA Exports
KMA Exports is one of the most competent and reliable manufacturer and exporter of Natural Indigo and Medicinal Herbs. We have 3 Generation of Experience in the sphere of manufacturing Indigo Leaves & Dye. We produce Natural Indigo Leaves & Powder, Natural Henna Leaves powder, Amla Powder, Neem Leaves Powder, Natural Plant Dye for Fabrics, etc cultivated on more....
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Kolor Jet Chemical Pvt. Ltd
Kolorjet is one of the leaders among manufacturers and suppliers of a comprehensive range of quality dyestuffs, colors and chemicals for different industrial requirements. Our range of products include dyestuff, injet dyes, dyes for wax printing, textile auxiliaries, synthetic food colors, natural food colors, pigments, food ingredients, dyes intermediaries, fine chemicals, specialty chemicals, enzymes, optical brighteners and soap wax....
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krishnainternational.jpgKrishna International
"KRISHNA INTERNATIONAL" was established in the year 1989 by Mr. Dinesh L. Thakkar and has started export in the year 1994. We have team of professionally trained & skilled staff members.We can provide you Mixed Container load (in smallest quantities as per clients need) of various Chemicals, Flavours & Fragrances, Pigments, Industrial Raw Materials and various other Products needed....
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holicolor.jpgKwality Colours
Kwality Colours is a highly reputed firm, which is engaged as a profound manufacturer and exporter of an exclusive assortment of qualitative dyes, fluorescent pigments, and holi color powders. We stepped into this domain with a vision of sufficing the requirements of divergent industries with a qualitative and pure color and dye range. To match with the requirements of....
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lcsons.jpgL. Chhotalal And Company
L. CHHOTALAL & COMPANY has spread its venture across the globe with the range products used for industrial and household purposes. Located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, we have a huge clientele base in various countries. We are a Govt. of India Recognized Exporting House head by an efficient and experienced person, Mr. V. Virani, the Owner.Our company works on principles....
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