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Chemicals >  Industrial Chemicals > Killicks Pharma
Killicks Pharma
Incepted in the year 2006, we introduce ourselves as a young and dynamic organization engaged in Exporting and Supplying a wide range of specialty chemicals, pharmacy ingredients and bulk drugs.Our all encompassing range of specialty chemicals is exported to Middle East, Far East, USA and Europe. Our range finds application across the pharmaceutical industry, paint and dye sectors.Backed by a rich vendor base and a dedicated team of scientists who quality tests all our range to be at par with International quality standard, we have been able to carve a niche for ourselves in the chemical industry.We take pride in having a large warehouse which is dust and moisture resistant which ensures that our assortment of specialty chemicals is stored safely. Moreover, we have a wide distribution network with excellent links with transportation agencies both in the domestic and international sectors which ensure timely and safe delivery of our range.Our mentor, "Mr. Mahipal Jain", has been a strong motivational force for our team of professionals. It is owing to his single minded vision and sharp business insight that we have been able to capture the global market with our wide assortment of variegated products.
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Office Address: 118, Vasan Udyog Bhavan, Sunmill Compound, Opp - Phoenix High Street
Lower Parel
Mumbai, MH, 400013
Phone: +91-22-24901200, 24903600
Fax: +91-22-24152121
Contact Person: Phone: +91-22-24151200
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