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International Hometex Ltd

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Office Address: 201,
T.V.Industrial Estate,
Mumbai, MH, 400018
Contact Person: Phone: +91-22-24984292
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Jai Sri Exports is a manufacturer,supplier and exporter of Readymade garments like Gents shirts, Gents trousers, Ladies Blouses, Skirts, Dresses & Trousers. The company was established in 1984 and has earned an enviable reputation for itself as a reliable and dependable manufacturer and exporter of quality Shirts, Trousers and Readymade garments.The company's garments are manufactured in Viscose/ Rayon, Cotton,....
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Indian shawls, Scarves, Throws, Bed covers, Cushion Covers and Wall cant help falling in love with them. The hand embroidered and intricately woven with feather light touch of natures softest, finest wool next only to your skin, crafted by skilled artisans, mostly hand-loomed to retain the mark of the artisans who make them. The heritage of the shawls....
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Jaipur Polyspin Ltd
Jaipur Polyspin Ltd was manufacturer and export of synthetic blended ring spun yarn, including blends of polyester and viscose, and 100% viscose ring spun yarn, all dyed only.

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The Jamshri Ranjitsinghji Spinning and Weaving Mills was set up in 1907 by the Late Shri Lalji Narayanji, who was an entrepreneur from Jamnagar. The Damani group acquired Jamshri in 1953, and since then has run the mill successfully, always maintaining stress on quality and customer satisfaction. At present the group has redefined its product focus looking to the....
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JBF Industries Ltd. stands on a gleaming pinnacle of success as an industry leader in the Polyester Industry value chain today. Established in 1982, JBF Industries was founded by Mr. Bhagirath Arya as a Yarn Texturising company, and since then has backward integrated into manufacturing Partially Oriented Yarn (POY), Polyester (BOPET) Film and also various types of Bottle grade,....
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