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Textiles & Leather >  Apparel, Clothing & Garments > M.F.Selection
Manufacturer of boys denim jeans, boys cargo pants, boys half pants, boys jamaican, boys chinos, cargo pant, kids half pant, kids jamaican, kids chinos and kids denim jeans.

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Contact Us: 15/1, Ahiripukur 2nd Lane
Near Mainland China Restaurant
Kolkata, WB, 700019
Phone: +91-9831090031
Contact Person: Mr. Muhammad Fateh 
Phone: +(91)-(33)-30575956
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mahasakthidupatta.jpgMahasakthi Dupatta
Located at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, we, “Mahasakthi Dupatta,” are one of the eminent manufacturers and suppliers of Shawls and Stoles. Our wide product range comprises Marriage Gift Stoles, Moniter Pattern Stoles, Multinational shawl, Net Shawl, Scarves, Stoles, and Designer Scarves. These Shawls and Stoles are widely appreciated for their features like intricate carving, smooth texture, elegant color combinations,....
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New Delhi Trade
Manufacturer and exporter of ladies wear, ladies salwar suit, ghaghra-choli, mens sherwani, mens printed shirt, gents trousers, jewellery, beaded necklace, earrings, fashion bracelet, beaded belts, fashion anklet, beaded bag and picture frame.

Nirmal Safety Centre
Nirmal Safety Centre has got an international repute as one of the leading manufacturers, importers, suppliers and traders of a wide range of industrial safety products such as Gas Mask with Canister, Breathing Apparatus, Bubble Face Shield Goggle, Disposable Caps, Disposable Masks & Shoe Cover, Industrial Boot, Rope Ladder, Safety Helmet, Resuscitator, Safety Goggle and eye shield, Safety Net,....
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Onkar Exports
Manufacturer of soccer, football training aids and accessories like marking disc cones, training cones, dome cone, cone holder, dome kit, speed hurdles, speed rings, agility ring, speed ladder, agility ladder, spike pole and sports equipment.

tasselmanufacturer.jpgOrient Exports
Incorporated in the year 2002, Orient Exports is a prominent market player that has its underlying interests in the manufacturing and exporting of a wide range of Decorative Items for Home Furnishing And Garment Industries that includes Garment Laces, Curtain Tassels, Curtain Tassel Tiebacks, Home Furnishing Laces, Beaded Tassels, Beaded Trim, Bookmark Tassel, Cords, Cotton Tassels, Curtain Tie Backs,....
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