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Engineering & Machinary >  Mechanical Components & Parts > Santec Exim Pvt. Ltd.
Santec Exim Pvt. Ltd.
Manufacturer of all kinds of hydraulic presses for all industrial applications, hydraulic cylinders, scrap balers, deep drawing presses, straightening presses, compression molding presses and smc/dmc/ rubber moulding presses etc.
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Office Address: Plot No. 92/6, Road No. 4, Mundka Udhyog Nagar, Mundka Extention
Rohtak Road
New Delhi, DH, 110041
Phone: +91-11-28343082, 28343083, 283
Mobile: +91-9811664677, 9717598990, 97
Fax: +91-11-28343081
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Contact Us: Plot No. 193 & 158, Sector – 8
IMT Manesar
Guragon, HY, 122050
Phone: +91-124-4058135
Mobile: +91-9811664677, 9717598990, 97
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Contact Us: Plot No. 92/6, Road No. 1, Mundka Udyog Nagar Mundka Extension
Rohtak Road
New Delhi, DH, 110041
Phone: +91-11-28343082, 28343083, 283
Fax: +91-9811664677, 9717598990, 97
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Contact Person: Mr. U. K. Sangal 
Phone: +(91)-(11)-28343082
Satya Associates
Manufacturer of s.s. & m.s. deep drawn sheet metal products,parts & components,fabricated metal products,parts & components such as sub-assemblies,utensil,cutlery,kitchen tools,office accessory gift items,bar accessories,bath accessories,jewelery box

Scorpion Overseas
Engaged in manufacturing and supplying qualitative cosmetic and pharmaceutical packaging products like treatment pump, perfume sprayer, spray cap for aerosol valves, acrylic bottles, aerosol valves, trigger sprayers and soap dispenser etc.

Seeaar Machine Tools Private Limited
Manufacturers of injection moulds, rubber compression moulds, plug shell pdc tool, valve housing component, plug shell shot, governor cover component, pressure die cast components, aluminium pressure die cast shots, comp electrode die & casting.

Shaki Metal Components
Manufacturer and supplier of press tool, vending machine spares, deep draw components, sheet metal pressed components, sheet metal assemblies, galvanized sheet metal components, sheet metal automobile parts and automotive sheet metal components.

Shama Metals Industry
Manufacturer and exporter of wire nails, roofing nails, concrete nails flat head, binding wire, wooden screw, umbrella nails, wire nails, binding wires, metal based hardware products, pure wood screw, sheet metal screw and stainless steel wood screw.

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