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Steel & Style
Manufacturer of stainless steel sheets, pipes, wires, railings, grills, gates etc.
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Office Address: D-35, SMA Industrial Area
G.T.Karnal Road
New Delhi, DH, 110033
Phone: +91-11-26368280 / 81
Mobile: +91-9310447000
Fax: +91-11-66173891
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Contact Person: Mr. Nishant Gupta 
transvalves.jpgTrans Valves (India) Private Limited
TRANS VALVES (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED, was incorporated in 1984 as a foray into manufacture of LPG Valves followed byLPG Regulators and a host of other LPG Equipments. TVL product portfolios are in line with both Indian and International Standards and are being manufactured at its state-of-the-art unit in HYDERABAD. Consequently, TVL products are sold all over the world with....
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Tyagi Plastics
TRANS VALVES (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED, was incorporated in 1984 as a foray into manufacture of LPG Valves followed byLPG Regulators and a host of other LPG Equipments. TVL product portfolios are in line with both Indian and International Standards and are being manufactured at its state-of-the-art unit in HYDERABAD. Consequently, TVL products are sold all over the world with....

Unique Corporate
TRANS VALVES (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED, was incorporated in 1984 as a foray into manufacture of LPG Valves followed byLPG Regulators and a host of other LPG Equipments. TVL product portfolios are in line with both Indian and International Standards and are being manufactured at its state-of-the-art unit in HYDERABAD. Consequently, TVL products are sold all over the world with....

uvarajexports.jpgUvaraj Exports (Export Division of Uvarajas Tex Trade)
Founded in the year of 1997, we "Uvaraj Exports" are listed among the popular and trusted organization of the industry engaged in exporting a vast collection of Food Products and Cosmetics. Offered products are processed by utilizing optimum grade ingredients in accordance with the set industry norms and standards by our highly experienced professionals at our well developed processing....
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V R Fire Safety Consultants
Founded in the year of 1997, we "Uvaraj Exports" are listed among the popular and trusted organization of the industry engaged in exporting a vast collection of Food Products and Cosmetics. Offered products are processed by utilizing optimum grade ingredients in accordance with the set industry norms and standards by our highly experienced professionals at our well developed processing....

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