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Electronics >  Service / Repair / Maintenance > Metzer Opto-electronic Instruments P Ltd
Metzer Opto-electronic Instruments P Ltd
2d/3d Measuring Machine, Alloy Analysers, Area Measuring Machine, Automobile Testers, Balances, Bearing Analysers/testers, Cable Testers, Cable/wire Length Gauges/meters, Cables, Calibration Facilities, Carbon & Sulphur Analysers, Centering Microscopes, Centrifuges, Co-ordinate Measuring Machine, Conductivity Gauges/meters, Electronic Gauges/meters, Electrophoresis Apparatus, Fibre Optic Inspection Gauges/meters, Flash Point Testers, Gear Measuring Machine, Geotechnical Gauges/meters, Water Hardness Testers, Weighing Systems, Zoom Stereo Microscopes.

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Office Address: 110 113 Himalaya House, 79 Palton Road
Mumbai, MH, 400001
Phone: +91-22-22618535, 22616342
Mobile: +91-9323820154
Contact Person: Gagan Soneja 
Phone: +91-22-22618535
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Naren Instruments & Engg Co
Counters, Flow Gauges/meters, Humidity Sensors, Panel Gauges/meters, Ph Gauges/meters, Pressure Gauges/meters, Pressure Sensors, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Sensors, Repairs, Rotameters, Rtd, Spares, Temperature Gauges/meters, Temperature Transducers, Thermocouples, Thermowells, Transmitters Pressure, Transmitters Temperature.

National Small Inds Corp Ltd
Cable Fault Locators, Calibration Facilities, Relays Solid State, Solid State Relays, Testing/quality Control Services, Voltage Detectors.
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Ndt & Allied Services
Testing/quality Control Services.

neutron_electronics.jpgNeutron Electronics
Neutron Electronics Limited was founded in 1975 by Norm Shaver. Over the years we have grown and now have both inside and outside sales staff, as well as a quick and reliable shipping department. Our goal is to provide you with " QUALITY ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS" shipped anywhere you request. We have a special quotations department that can respond to....

New India Tools Corp
New India Tools Corp provide services to calipers, co-ordinate measuring machine, coating thickness gauges/meters, comparators depth gauges/meters, dial bore gauges/meters, dial gauges/meters, dividing heads, electroplating thickness gauges/meters, height gauges/meters, level gauges/meters, measuring instruments, repairs, measuring pin sets, micrometers plug gauges/meters, precision measuring tools etc.,

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